The ultimate field rope, 550 cord has been used for just about anything where strong cordage is needed. Available in 100-foot lengths.
550 Cord - Utility Cordage
550 cord was originally, and still is, used for attaching the canopy of a parachute to the harness the airborne soldier wears when jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
In any survival kit, you'll most likely find some 550 cord. It comprises an outer sheath with seven smaller inner strands inside. This gives it the strength to hold 550 lbs.
Use it for constructing shelters, attaching your equipment to yourself so you don't lose it, the inner strands for fishing, making traps, tiedowns, lashings, shelter building, friction fire making, fishing line and nets, splints, repairing equipment, tooth floss...the field uses are innumerable.
Many people even replace their shoelaces with 550 cord, so they always have some with them. It's a good way to always be prepared.
550 Lb. Test | 7 Strand Core.
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