A wind up radio works great for emergency use because it does not require batteries to use. You can simply wind up or crank a handle and it will generate power that the radio can work off of for a short period of time. When the radio loses power, you can just wind up the crank handle again and you have more power that the radio can use.
Small in size. Won't take up much space!
You would want a crank radio during an emergency because you want to know what is going on and what, if any, instructions the authorities are issuing. If an evacuation order is given, then that means they expect conditions to deteriorate to the point where it will be hazardous to be in the area. Always heed the instructions of authorities when they put out information.
AM, FM, and Weather Band
Great for emergencies because normal batteries can go dead. If you haven't changed the batteries in a while, you don't know how long they will last. Batteries can even go bad when they aren't installed in anything because they have a shelf life. A wind up radio will not run out of power so you will continue to stay informed of what is happening in the area.
The emergency hand crank or wind up radio is also great for camping trips. No need to worry about bringing batteries. Simply wind up the generator and you can listen to some music while watching your fire or doing other camp chores.
Great Features:
- Micro and Standard USB ports for charging phones
- Solar Panel & Hand crank to recharge
- 2000mAh battery
- A Powerful LED flashlight
- AM/FM Radio & Weather Broadcast Channel from NOA
A wind up radio should be part of your home survival kit. When gathering your emergency supplies for your home emergency kit, you can save space by not having to include the proper batteries. Even if you don't have a wind up radio, you should have a radio in your home emergency kit so you can stay informed during a natural disaster or catastrophe.
Solar Crank Radio
This solar crank radio was chosen in part because of its small size. We wanted you to be able to put one in a backpack and not have it take up too much space or add much to the weight. This wind up radio weighs a mere 9.7 ounces. The other feature we looked for was a weather band. You can tune in to your local weather anytime. If you're in the woods wondering if you need to create a waterproof shelter, this benefit would come in handy.
More Features and Benefits:
- Yellow Plastic
- Battery Life Display
- SOS Function Button
- Solar or Wind-Up powered
- AM/FM/Weather Bands
- On/Off Volume & Tuner Dials
- Fold-Up crank
- Telescopic Antenna
- Earphone Jack
- FM Freq. Range: 87-108 MHz
- AM Freq. Range: 520-1710 KHz
- WB Freq. Range: NOAA 162.40-162.55MHz
- Size: 6" x 2 3/4" x 1 3/4"
- 20 minutes of use from 1 minute cranking
- 12 hours of use from a full charge
- 20,000mAh Battery Capacity
- Replaceable Battery
- Includes a USB to Micro USB cable
Please note: Radio station signal depends on location and time frames. Some stations may not be available outside of certain time frames. Be sure to know emergency signals around your area.